It's not that I have nothing to say...

... really it isn't! It's just that I have been soooo busy lately. Which makes me hoard the off-minutes even more than normal, stretching them out for all they're worth and guarding them against any kind of intrusion.

But here's a few things that have me feeling vaguely excited today:
An opportunity to redesign a website that is drastically in need of an update - and which I just know I can turn into something incredibly awesome.

JPG magazine - a chance to submit my photos for publishing! And you can too. Go check it out, it's very cool.

The realization that I have some pretty unique skills and views, which - once combined - can create some amazing stuff. If I just put a bit of faith in myself, and get rid of the self-doubt habit.

An idea for going viral with advertising for my workplace, which no-one else is doing - but which I've been gathering a lot of knowledge on without actually realizing it. A chance to do something so completely different and unthought-of, that it! (provided certain restrictions don't kick in.. but am battling those furiously)

A light-bulb moment (it's been flickering for a while, but finally came on) that I don't have to try impress anyone but myself. The rest of the world either likes me or loathes me, but that's their choice. I am free to be Me, in all the strange variants I come in. And Me is actually pretty lekker! :-)

That stirring in the subconcious sprouting roots and shoots? - it's growing ever so slightly into the very beginnings of awesome possibility.

A rememberance of creativity - that my hands, my mind, my perspective can craft beauty from wood and words and light. And sharing that shouldn't scare me. In fact, it could form a major part of my future.
So here I sit - a vague sense of anticipation in my soul, realizing that life has so much to offer that I really don't even know where to start! That I could go whirling off in a million different directions, and each of them would be fantastic.

The paths I choose though will be what my soul recognizes as being perfectly right, a complete fit, a calm certainty. Including those ones that sometimes seem way beyond my reach - and even if the end doesn't look anything like I thought it would.

Strange how lately I've been finding a whole lot of positive direction. Feels almost like I've finally started on the road that was planned for me all along!