
For the past 3 weeks I've been walking every day after work, about an hour - 6km or so, it varies. Hit the furthest yet today after leaving work a few minutes early and trying to find a new road through. But why do I do it?

Contrary to popular belief, I don't walk to prove anything. Although I did kinda state I was going to race someone up a mountain soon... :-) But nope - not walking to prove I can.

I walk because I'd rather embrace the Camino than struggle through it next year. I want to free up my mind rather than allowing my body to over-ride it in some sort of agony.

I walk because it's one of the few times I get peace, quiet and no distractions (other than passing hunks in 4x4s). It's a time to think, and mentally relax, unwind after the working day and settle the thoughts a bit. Once or twice it's been more unsettling though, as I've let my thinking processes get away with me.

I walk to clear my head - sometimes I find my mind going places it really shouldn't, where I can't afford to go if I want to keep my sanity or not end up on the wrong side of reality. So I set off at a pace to drain that stuff away. Sometimes it even works.

I walk because I sit all day, and I'm tired of it. I'm fed up with spending my life on my butt, so I get up and walk when I no longer have to sit.

I walk because I need to - I no longer want to feel half-well, almost-healthy. I want to relish in being in top form, but it's going to take a while. I have a lot of damage to undo from years of settling for less than I could be.

I walk because I enjoy it - the rhythm, the pace, the movement, the path I take through my neighbourhood and past houses, dogs and Landies I haven't seen before. I enjoy watching how things change - who's home with their old Toyota, which dog is back at the fence, where the guineafowl are pecking today, how roadside mushrooms come and go.

I walk because it's the best exercise for my body type. I'm not built to run, nor am I dedicated enough to dive into icy pools in the middle of winter. My strength is in my legs - but that's also the first place I pick up lack of exercise issues.

I walk because in less than a month I'll be half-way-to-70, and I've determined that my 35th year is going to be a year of magnificence. I'm going to feel, look, do and be better than I ever have. But it doesn't happen all at once. It starts with this first step (and many inner ones that have already been taken) - and will go from there.

That's why I walk.