Do men get hormonal dips too, or is it only us chicks? Are men just "constant" - or perhaps the dips & peaks are age-related and last for years instead of days?
Why do people bother manufacturing/selling bad chocolate? Can't they just put in the effort to make the very best?
Which would you rather have - love or freedom? Can you have both - or is having one worth giving up the other? Do we recognize/embrace either when we have it - or merely regret not doing so in hindsight?
Why do countries fight so fiercely to maintain their borders - to keep some folk out and other folk in? Who drew the lines in the sand, anyway? And why do we continue to give them power?
Will we ever save the earth? Or is it already too late? If so - what will our future look like? How will we have to adapt to survive?
Why are so many people trying to limit so much of what we see, hear, experience and do? Are they scared of the power we'd wield if we weren't kept from it?
(all this on an empty stomach! time for lunch.. :-) )
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