Birthday resolutions

Some folk make New Year's resolutions, but not me. I tend to use my birthday for that each year. It's close enough to the end of the year anyway! :-)

So as I hit the 35-year mark, what's up for the year ahead?

* As mentioned before, it's going to be a year of magnificence. In as many aspects as I can manage. I'm already working on the body (and have been told I look stunning today - a good start! :-) ), I've sorted out the mind-set toward expecting abundance and good things, I'm finding new energy to achieve goals I was willing to give up on. Who says someone half-way to 70 can't be magnificent? :-)

* In the coming year I'm taking back my power. I refuse to be intimidated by those who know more than I do, have brains that work better than mine, are more beautiful or passionate. I'm also not going to be intimidated by those who are mean or petty or wish me no good. I will not let circumstances intimidate me, leaving me feeling helpless. I will not let finances (or a serious lack thereof) intimidate me neither! I feel it in my bones - I've got the first grip on control again.

* It's going to be a year of big changes in many ways. I've got a business (or two) to get completely off the ground, a new place to live to find, probably new income-generation (work), and some up-the-parenting to do on the teen. Oh yes, things will indeed change. And for the better of course.

* I will get laid. Oh yes I will! Laugh if you will, but hey - 10 years is just a little bit too long to not be getting any! :-) Or, preferably - I will do some laying. (And that's all I'm going to say on this subject here - because sometimes too much information is a bad thing)

* I'm going to up my skills in a number of areas (unrelated to the immediately-above paragraph of course!!! LOL) - things I already enjoy doing, and can do reasonably well. I'm going to become a master of them and so pave a solid path into the future.

* I'm not going to give up. Not on my dreams, not on my desires, not on my goals - not for a single day. Granted, there will be dips - there are always dips - but they will be blips on the screen, nothing more. I will not be making any excuses for a lack of success in any area, instead I'll pour all I have into achieving what I know in my heart is just waiting to be done.

* I'm getting back out into the world, no longer hiding behind closed doors. I'm going to expand my circle of friends, get a social life at last, and hang out with people more than hang in with my computer. I'll no longer be invisible in society.

* This will be a year of adventure. Big ones, small ones, ones far afield and ones close to home. A year lived looking for adventures and experiences, seeking them out to relish and revel. I'll do my best to pass this attitude on to my son, who has become a serious couch-potato computer geek lately, and needs to rediscover the wonder of the world.

I'm pretty sure other subtle "resolutions" will pop up as the year progresses, but this is where I'm starting from.

Here's to being 35! Somehow old and young all at the same time, but a very good place to be.