For the record

I just wish to state, for the record, that I totally love JavaScript!

I've been sitting with the website I'm in charge of, trying to figure out how to put in a footer. But not just any footer. One that is actually an external file, simply "linked/inserted" into the page, so that if I change that external file, it changes across the entire site. Instead of having to copy/paste the changes onto every page - and there are a lot of them.

I've spent months searching on websites for answers to this one, the nearest I found being things to do with both CSS and PHP - which I'm not totally up on yet, but learning.

Until a few minutes ago. One blessed expert suggested a simple little JavaScript code. I tried it, and it WORKS! Yay yay yay! Now to go figure out how to create a CSS template file for everything, that includes that small piece of code.. :-) But I'm getting there.

And I truly love JavaScript! :-)