
I'm in the process of shifting computers - a new one at work means a transfer of data onto a clean system, while the old one comes home with me and the current one at home gets a transfer elsewhere. Confused? :-)

Yeah - so were my bookmarks. With all these machines, I had multiple instances of things I'd added as favourites (or Bookmarks as Firefox calls them), some repeated across sytems, others unique to the two different machines I currently use.

Until today! I decided to give Foxmarks a whirl, not quite knowing how it would work out. From the write-up it seemed all my bookmarks would be internet-accessible via an account I set up, but I wasn't sure if I'd have to go to their site to access them, while my on-screen ones faded away.

Well I was pleasantly suprised. I first set up an account from work and Foxmarked everything. Then when I got home I logged in after installing Foxmarks, and synchronised the bookmarks I have here. Voila! They're ALL on both machines! And whatever I change here will show up there. Whatever I add here, will be added there. If I edit there, it appears edited here. If I'm on neither machine but need to access a link, I simply log into my account at Foxmarks and a mirror of what I've stored is there too!


When it comes to moving all these computers around, reinstalling things and restoring settings, Foxmarks is seriously going to make my life easier. No more rebuilding a database, or trying to find in which folder my links are stored so I can back them up. Nope, everything's right there, available for me the second I need it.

Now if only I had the same option for the rest of the hard-drive/s...