Google Owns Me

I've just "updated" to the new Blogger Beta, sooner rather than later. 3 hours and 46 confirmation emails later, here I am! Can you see a difference? Nope - you probably won't at the moment. Except the "labels" at the bottom of the the post, if I remember to add them.

While waiting for all 2,000+ posts here (and about 150 elsewhere) to drift across, I realize Google totally owns my butt. I'm on Gmail, GChat, Google Reader, a couple of Google Groups, using the Calendar feature (thought not fully), GoogleEarth, and somewhere there's a Google Analytics and Google AdSense account set up in my name. Blogger is Google-owned, as is YouTube. I use Google to search. Only deviation from the norm is my Flickr account - which Yahoo manages - FireFox, and Skype. I'm a good customer evangelist too - I've signed up my son for GMail, a colleague who finished working with us today, and a few others.

Back in my superstitiously-religious past, we used to discuss what form the Anti-Christ and his associated 666-Mark of the Beast would take. Revelation mentions a mark in your hand and on your forehead. I reckon it's Google - in your brain and under your fingertips, subtlely gathering info from every single account or sign-in you have with them, totally owning your life! :-) (update:: And that "you won't be able to buy anything without the mark" thing? Ever heard of Google Checkout? :-) )

I'm convinced it's part of a plot to take over the world. A good one too - especially if they keep on coming out with really cool must-have free stuff (which results in you giving away even more of your life over to our Overlords...!). Pretty easy to track a whole lot of who you are, hey!

But here's to a new Blogger interface in the meantime. And 40 unread RSS feeds. And a few Gmails. And my location plotted exactly thanks to Google Earth - included in my Gmail signature. I'm totally owned.

And to prove that Google is tops, this post keeps jumping to the top of the page - new post/s below... :-)