* This is too weird. I usually hang around as "invisible" on Skype and am left in peace (bar the odd question as to whether I have a private office.. ;-) ) - but in the past day I've had 3 strangers wanting to get chatty. OK, with my blindingly brilliant personality and photo (of a deserted road), perhaps they can't resist my magnetic pull. Yeah right... Anyhoo, the weirdest thing of all is that their messages were left yesterday, but have appeared today. Either I'm stuck in a time-loop or our internet is WAY slower than I thought! LOL (And no, I'm not providing any photos of me, especially half-nekkid ones)
* Male circumcision is a very debateable topic, and one that could be argued both for and against equally vociferously. One news item online today says circumcised men have a 50% less chance of contracting HIV. I know that in recent years many have decided against circumcision for their sons. A few decades back it was an accepted thing to do. My son is circumcised - I insisted on watching the procedure - but I'm still not sure whether it was the right or the wrong thing to do. The debate rages forth...
* This morning we discovered the quickest way to work through an agenda at meetings. This time there were snacks provided for after the meeting - what would normally have taken 2 hours took a mere 45 minutes! :-) I've never seen such quick moving and seconding and voting happen!
* I've finally got Overland stickers for my vehicles! I've been a part of the forum for a few months now, and decided it's time to "brand" the cars so we can be recognized en route by other members. I may, however, have the only Ford Sierra with an Overland sticker on the entire forum.. :-) Yes, the Landy got one too. And I have 2 spares, just in case.
* The blogosphere appears to be slowly shutting down for the festive season as folk leave their regular computer access and head off into holiday mode. I'm starting to feel a bit like the last blog outpost! :-) Also getting that feeling at work, where most have either disappeared for their holiday, or are doing so come Friday. I'm working through, having transferred my leave to next year to squeeze all I can out of it when I have better things to do with the days off. I shall remain and guard the fortress!!!
* That said, my work load has far from diminished - but at least I have some peace and quiet in which to attempt getting through everything.
* I think Google's having a bad day, or their attempts at world domination are being undermined. I've had endless problems with Gmail, Reader and Blogger today - signing me out randomly, not loading properly, not recognizing settings. Or maybe they're upgrading to another New & Shiny? Who knows.. There are things that happen in the etherworld that are anyone's guess.
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