Dreams & Fears

Having just woken up about 10 minutes ago, I'm still left with traces of last night's toss-and-turn dreams scattered through my brain. I thought it was the heat (though a bit cooler last night) and the single irritating early-morning fly that made for a rough night, but as more bits of dreams are remembered, I can blame them more than circumstances!

And by picking them apart a bit I realize that deep down there are a few things that I'm afraid of.

As is the way of dreams, they were very mixed up - odd situations, people and events in places one wouldn't normally find them. But the undercurrents were there - fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, a feeling that I won't get something right, issues with home and interactions.

Instead of brushing them off today as middle of the night randomness, I plan on digging a bit into the why behind the dreams. To find out just what it is I'm insecure about in one situation, why I keep dreaming of throw cushions for my lounge (yeah, weird! :-) ), and why it is that one person who features regularly in the restless dreams never speaks, never interacts, keeps their distance, yet always makes me feel inadequate.

Geez - what a start to the weekend! :-)

While I'm picking this stuff apart, I'm trying to build in the positive thoughts, the goals, the good dreams. It's a way of crafting an attitude that deals with the subconcious issues and erases the bad.

But first - breakfast. No-one can think well on an empty stomach!