
Here's something I was pondering this morning, while soaking up some very welcome sun after an extremely chilly night. (Hope I can put this into words sufficiently)

It's that my focus has shifted quite a bit in the last few months. Specifically when it comes to the time I spend at home and what I choose to do with it.

At the old place I'd usually be out in the garden at every opportunity, digging, weeding, planting, or just checking out what's growing. It was a very home-base-focused lifestyle, and quite honestly I barely went anywhere most times. Weekends were spent at home, lunchtimes and after work was all at home. I wasn't the most sociable of creatures, and hardly entertained.

Now I have no garden. I have a few pots of things I brought with me, but that's it. There's no garden pottering to be had.

Instead my focus is shifting to outside-of-home things. I'm working on the Landy with a view to being out and about in her. I spend lunchtimes away from home, and after work am more likely to be doing something related to inside-home management along with a bit of getting-out planning. Home is now a base from which life happens, not merely the place where it does. I've entertained more in the past month than I have in ages. The kid's getting out more than he ever has. And I'm taking back my own life too.

Thing is this - I'm a lot more focused on where I want to be down the line, and what I'm doing now is steps toward that future. In little ways I can't (or won't) explain out loud, I'm shifting my lifestyle to match up with the goals I have, the dreams I dare to dream, and where my heart tells me I need and want to go. It's meant a change in priorities, in activities, in goals, in interest in some ways. Yes, I still love growing things and digging in the soil, but it's not going to happen here. So life is shifting elsewhere.

It's not a bad thing. It's a natural progression as things change and you discover new places to be, inside and out.

Yet again - a way-marker on the journey. A place to say "here, things have changed, the road has forked". I love where it's heading... though I'm still stepping tentatively.

And thus said - it's on to a couple of those tasks that will take me toward where I want to be! :-)