Winter has, apparently, struck.
I usually take a fast walk through our mini-mall over lunchtime for a bit of fresh air and exercise. Today there's rain. And Rain. And more RAIN. Oh, with a bit of wind for variety. I have a big umbrella here, but don't want to end up hang-gliding. The poor smokers have had to cower on what protected balconies they can find today.
And the smell of constant coffee-making has had me very close to giving in and concocting a huge, steaming cup of the stuff (if I could figure that machine out). I might succumb if it weren't for the certainty that my caffiene-deprived system would still be bouncing around at midnight tonight.... But perhaps that's not a bad thing after all.
Meantime I'm lunching inside today, at my desk, watching the rain pour down and thankful that my windows at home are closed. I pity the poor dogs in their boxes out back (and talking boxes... eish! still got a few out there to clear too! the weekend's work, among other things). The kid's gonna get wet, whatever lift he takes homeward (and insisted on going to school sans jersey). On days like this I'm almost glad to have a desk-job.
Tonight though.. oh, tonight! My bedroom has the rain hammering just above ceiling height, and there's no better sound on earth to doze off to. Except perhaps whispers from a favourite voice...
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