I was off sick yesterday. Months of slog without a break finally got to me it seems. I spent the entire day dozing and not eating a thing, and feel a whole lot better this morning. Still not hungry, even after a day on orange juice and water, but forced some food down 'cos I know I'll be hungry by 10 at this desk if I don't.
Yesterday was perfect be-sick weather - cold, rainy. Today the sun's out again, and although it was bitterly cold this morning it's going to be a very nice day. Tomorrow I really hope it will be too...
You see I'm going on a pelagic trip. Birding on the open sea. Which in itself could be chilly on a good day, but if we end up with a typical Cape winter's day it's going to be freezing! Probably not going to be eating anything tomorrow, for fear of hurling, so this body's going to just have to suck it up and deal.
Meantime it's back to the grindstone here. Landed running. As usual. Loads to do, deadlines to meet, things to adjust, all that stuff. I'm not paid to sit and twiddle my thumbs.
But hey - it's Friday. And it should be a good one.

(the view from the commute - on arrival)
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