I'm going to start numbering these posts already (and give them their own label), 'cos I know this ain't the end of it...
After yesterday's call that I'd get "one hour's notice" before Telkom pitched to put in my DSL line, I got another call at 3 today to say "we're here - how do we get in?" I told the guy to wait, I was 15 minutes away, rushed out the office and home.
Only to find that my son had let them in, they'd fiddled, muttered something about "wrong instructions" (how much clearer can you get - PUT IN THE DARN DSL LINE?), or "back on Monday", which of course my son chose not to hear clearly so can't repeat, and left! Well before I'd made it home. Of course they weren't answering their phone and the message I sent has gone ignored. It is, after all, Friday afternoon.
To say I was slightly peeved would be a terrible understatement. But for once in my life I'm not willing to take crap. I'm dropping by my Telkom office tomorrow to put a word in Quintin's ear about this - he who wrote down my details, promised a reference number, and has yet to deliver.
So one more weekend on the SIM card / Vodafone access. And Part One of what I'm sure will be a saga...
If only Telkom were as organized as their vehicle-mounted tool kits.
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