Blogging Telkom: 2

First blog from our new DSL line! Yup indeed - some independent contractors arrived today, spent about 3 hours gluing a line around my house, installing and testing my nice little ADSL modem thingy, and now both my son and I are online. At home. At last. If that kid says he's bored now, he's going to get a snotklap.

Oh, and we finally have a home phone - but only one person has the number so far.. :-) The rest will be getting an email with all our new details shortly.

So.. the whole Telkom thing. Well I got a call on Monday saying "we have you scheduled for a Tuesday install", so I told the friendly lady that "um, excuse me, but your guys were here on Friday...?" Nope, she says, no record of that.

Oh dear - what if those were crooks who dropped by to scope out the stealables? Well I got hold of the Telkom Direct shop I'd ordered the line from, and they confirmed that it WAS actually Telkom blokes here on Friday, which is a relief. And she was very helpful in giving me a few other bits of info I was after too.

So this morning the line went in with only one other minor hitch - I'd asked that they give me some notice so I could dash through from work. They ended up waiting for me again, 'cos they didn't. Ran into my boss arriving as I was leaving too, and she commented "that was a short work day!" - but I did go back later.

Being the nice person I am, I made the two blokes coffee and helped them put the line in (also kinda keeping an eye on matters). Chatted, joked, hung around - and once they were sure all was well they left.

At which point I decided I'd probably go get a phone and a network cable for my computer. Already have another one for the kid. So dashed off, got that, plugged in the phone, made my first call on my new line!

Tonight I figured out the modem, got my favourite Expert to help me with which internet option to choose, and now we're online! Voila!

So far so good... And perhaps the Telkom numbered posts will now die a sudden death? Watch this space. It's Telkom - anything can happen.