Yesterday was just such a day... though not at first. It only kicked in around 4.
Between unintentionally p'ing someone off, the car giving me such hassles that I didn't think I'd make it home, traffic a nightmare, and then coming home to find that my son's cellphone had been stolen while at school, add in struggles with Olivia, cluelessness as to precisely what was going on in the Ford that's giving me hassles, frustration at not being able to fix that back wheel (though I can describe the issue in detail), and suddenly discovering we're out of milk. Some of them are relatively small things - but you add them up and suddenly it feels like a storm.
Every so often I get the impression that I can fight as much as I like, but I'm getting nowhere.
When a day like this strikes there's only one thing to do. Head out to Olivia, haul yourself up on to a wing, lie back and watch the stars come out in peace and quiet. Oh, and have a good cry. That always helps.
Hoping today won't feel like I'm constantly hitting myself against a brick wall, getting nowhere, swimming upstream and all that...

(wonderful cellphone-quality pic of the view from Olivia's bumper)
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