One Thing

In light of yesterday's Feed Me post, here's the plan. I can't afford to be overwhelmed by a sense of having too much to do, so I'm going to focus on One Thing every day.

I'll do one me-time thing each day.

I'll do one house-care thing each day.

I'll do one schemes-and-plans thing each day.

And I'll do one car-care thing each day.

Not only does this get me zoned in on finishing the task at hand, but it also gives me a sense of accomplishment once I'm done. The rest of the items on my to-do list simply disappear until another time. I can put all my energy into what I'm doing at that point without mentally moving on to the other stuff already. And I don't have a backlog of any of the above building up. Especially the house-care - it's way too easy it is to get behind on dishes, washing, keeping the place tidy.. :-) One task a day keeps that in check.

I've been doing this for about 2 weeks already. By the time 7pm or so comes I'm done with what needs doing, and can fully relax, give my attention to more pleasurable persuits for the rest of the evening. Put all the work behind me, knowing I've "signed off" on what I set out to accomplish for the day, and can rest easy. Tomorrow is another day, and it will have its own challenges and jobs.

So far so good - I've found it to work very very well, leaving me with a lot more inner peace and confidence than I'd have if it felt like everything was out of control. I'm getting more done in those allotted time spots than I would if I randomly attacked things that need doing. I've got more of myself left to give.

Yeah, I'm probably a bit of a closet control freak after all.. :-)