Yeah, I know it's been a bit quiet around here, but the two things occupying my time & brain (man and work) I can't/won't blog about! :-)
So here's a weather-related post instead. Arrived at work yesterday to see a layer of snow on all the mountains around here, with waterfalls streaming down every single gorge in huge white ribbons! Yes, it's been cold. Unfortunately, as is the way of the Cape, by late afternoon the snow was basically gone and I had yet to haul out my camera to get a shot. The one taken with the cellphone camera doesn't do it justice.
Then the rainbows took over!
I saw 5 on the way home, one starkly brilliant against just a little bit of snow over a peak - but stuck in traffic and putting foot I couldn't get the camera out. Steve got a shot of a nearby one. Most were oh-so-fleeting, there one second and gone the next.
Back home I stood in late afternoon sunshine in my bedroom and watched the big drippy raindrops fall through the sunlight until the next large cloud obliterated both sunshine and warmth, dropping the temperature to switch-on-heater levels within seconds.
But while they lasted the snow and rainbows were both beautiful. Awe-inspiring wow-beautiful.
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