Anyhow - last night at about 11 the wind came up. And a serious spattering of very heavy, hot rain. The wind hasn't stopped, it's only gotten stronger - but now it's cold too. The rain's coming down at near-horizontal angles, interspersed with sunlight. We're back to Cape winter!
With my bedroom right under the roof now it's great to lie in bed and hear the rain. Provided it's not keeping you awake at night of course. Last night was hectic though. I've mentioned the howling wind gap thingie before. I think now it may be a combination of window and door - screeching at the window, low moaning at the door. Enough to give you all sorts of weird dreams about creatures in the night (nope, escaped that last night thankfully).
Driving to work today it was more than a head-wind, it was a head-gale! I'm so glad I spent the weekend outdoors, enjoying the weather while it lasted. Getting stuck into the Olivia stuff that would have fell by the wayside if it rained. And simply enjoying breakfast in the sun.
Here's last night's sky, which Steve saw too.

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