Baby steps

No matter how determined you wake up, sometimes you simply can't get everything done that you planned to in a day. And sometimes it's necessary to accept you are only human, not super-human.. :-)

My son wanted to use up two free tickets to go watch "Pirates of the Carribean" this morning - and that took up most of the day. Good movie - enjoyed it a lot. But that was 4 hours gone by the time we got home. Lunch took another hour or so, and by then the afternoon was fading. I didn't get half the things done on Olivia that I'd hoped to. The two jobs I attempted simply frustrated me.

But this evening I have tackled one task that's been bugging me since we moved in, and is now out of the way. I spent a good deal of last night cleaning (brain busy / in need of distraction = spotless house..!). The washing is folded and distributed. The drain in the bathroom has been sorted out. I've made headway into things that have to get to auction this week, and finally done a work-around on one other big job that will soon require a cash transfer (in my favour).

I'm getting there.

The main thing I'm learning is this. Some days it's baby steps. Some days time and energy just don't carry through until the goal you'd planned is reached. And some days you simply can't push it.