
I arrived home exactly 19 minutes ago. It's the weekend - you'd assume I'm immediately out of the work stuff and into weekend-wear, shoes kicked off, relaxing and indulging in the sense of 2 free days with very few plans whatsoever.

Instead I'm sitting here wondering what I should be doing next.

It's been a week of go-go-go, rushing from one task to the next, thinking ahead to what needs doing after this, with not much blank nothing-time at all. And I can't seem to shake it tonight.

I have a lot of things I'd like to accomplish, things on my to-do list that need attention sooner rather than later. And they're weighing on my mind. Some of them I don't want to do in the rain (Olivia...), and I'm sitting watching pre-frontal clouds move in, bringing real winter weather again by next week! There's that driving me forward right now.

But I'm going to force myself to relax a bit, just chill. I'm off to watch the sunset from Olivia's wing (perfect sitting spot), as those pre-frontal clouds turn delicate shades of orange.

Then we'll see if I can finally hit weekend mode.