Folk who read my blog and don't know me in person are often surprised by the fact that yes - I'm actually the quiet shy type when you meet me. I mean, here it's like I shout from out windows, leeringly ogle male shoppers, fall noisily out of Land Rovers, speak my mind and get all aggro with life.
Yet... well, I've been told I'm the quietest chick in the section at work on more than one occasion. My evaluation yesterday brought out the need to up the aggro to get what I need to do my job (way too many to's in that sentance, but what the hell). I'm pretty meek and mild at times - there are only a few folk who have seen the inner me, and only one who I trust enough to completely let go with (well - I'm getting there).
I don't say a lot. I don't talk a lot (E, don't laugh). But I do write a lot - did you know that up until recently I was running 7 blogs, one offline journal, participating in two different car forums, typing all sorts of things into documents saved on my computer, emailing one poor person at least 20 times a day (or more), and still jolly-well write for a living? You'd think I have a lot to say! :-)
The thing is this - I think. I mull. I ponder. Sometimes it has to come out through my fingers. Sometimes it stays inside and percolates. Sometimes I'll spend days crafting a single blog post or editing an email. Sometimes I'll shoot off a couple of sentances off the top of my head (and hope I don't regret it later). I may not say much, but the brain's usually very busy with opinions, thoughts and ideas.
It's just that not many take the time to listen, so they don't get to hear it. Those who do, unfortunately get an earful! :-)
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