
Spiral - I certainly have control freak tendancies. I hate it when aspects of my life start to feel like they're spiralling toward the drain. Yesterday I had a very bad half-hour where the list of things heading toward disaster built up one item at a time. I wrestled a few under control, the others are being attacked systematically. Whatever can't be fixed is being summararily ignored until such time as I can sort it out.

Rings - I've been pondering familial rings lately. How one amasses relatives via marriage (or re-marriage - watch this space) in ever-widening rings, people who were strangers and are suddenly family. Sometimes it's an easy integration, sometimes not so.

Vision - There are many words of wisdom that state "if you can picture it in your head, you can achieve it". Which is why the image that has been stuck in my head since Monday is startling me. It's both "fits like a glove" and "scary", all at the same time. Result of my daydreaming habit, it's too real, too crystal-clear and too private to share yet.