I've been suffering from a woe-is-me attitude lately. It may or may not have come through online, but I've been holding huge pity parties while I sit on some of the answers to my issues. And why was I doing that? Because they seemed like such a lot of the unknown to work through that I got scared and backed off. They overwhelmed me, I didn't know how to accomplish them, so I did nothing.
But to hell with that! I've had enough. In fact this whole "enough" thing has been building for a while now. I've become peeved over a few things that need sorting out, which I put off and procrastinate and hum and aah about, but guess what - no more.
There are still some very big, very scary unknowns. But I can't let those intimidate me. As of today there's a plan of action, and I've accomplished more in the past 5 hours than I have in a long time on some of that stuff. While the momentum is there, I'm being ruthless. No more dilly-dallying or waiting for things to happen. As Dr Phil likes to ask, "how's that working for you?" - well it wasn't. And it's not going to be allowed in anymore.
I have a lot to sort out in the next few days. I have some serious planning and manipulating to accomplish if I'm to end up where I want to be. There's still a big fat (and important) blank in the not-too-distant future, but I'll deal with that when I get there. Meantime it's all systems go. Time to finally get sorted.
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