It feels like I spend my days running. Today is no exception. I've got two to-do lists that are pretty daunting, and tasks that keep going into overtime. I can't seem to stay settled on one thing long enough to complete it to my satisfaction before the next is calling.
In between all this I have fragments of half-forgotten dreams surfacing, plans and goals tapping me on the shoulder, what-if-imaginings pressing through my brainspace, and questions needing answers rattling their chains in dusty corners.
Full-time job, full-time home, full-time mom, full-time working on the side toward a future plan - it all takes its toll and has me wondering how to balance everything without it all falling down.
And yet there are things that help.
This weekend my work at home got a boost in the form of much needed organization and space. I work better when I don't keep thinking of how to adjust my environment - when I have everything to hand and can concentrate on what needs doing. And now I have just that.
Today I'm making sure I work my way down the list, one thing at a time (although doing two lists at once....). I'm focussing on each job seperately, without distraction as much as I can until it's complete. My multi-tasking head wants to do more than one thing, wants to keep 6 screens open and jump around between them. I'm doing my best not to let it, because it can only mean disaster.
But I'm running. Mentally running. And plotting how to get phyiscally running too... I wonder if I can run and type at the same time?
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