"Tell me why I don't like Fridays.."

Most people live for Fridays. End of the working week, start of the par-tay, two days of freedom ahead.

Me - well I'm not so sure.

It seems that Friday nights are the worst of the week. Inevitably you'll find me wanting to burst into tears, and usually doing so in a corner quietly. Tired, stressed out, worn out, we all end up tense after the working week. We've rushed to finish off everything that needs doing, done our best to tie up loose ends and been jarred awake one too many times by the alarm clock after burning midnight (and beyond) oil.

Perhaps that's the heart of the problem. By Friday evening we've simply had enough and we're snapping.

But Friday also signals the end of the money-making opportunities for the week - two days of "forced rest" which usually turns into more hard work laying the foundations for the week ahead, but two days that are not likely to see random cash-flow coming in. The rest of the world is taking it easy, closed down, or not in a business-doing mood. When you work for yourself, whatever you've made by close of business on a Friday is all you're going to make for the week - and you'd better make sure it's enough.

So Friday is a tough one for me - and Friday night especially so. By the time it arrives I just want to curl up with a chick flick and veg out, or be in bed and asleep by 8. I don't want to face cooking another meal, washing another dish, cleaning another floor, filing another paper, facing down another bill or magically-appearing grocery list, lifting one more heavy bit of e-waste or sorting out any of the never-ending to-do's.

Yet life goes on. There's always something that needs doing. And I'm learning slowly to snatch rest moments where I can find them - then deal with Fridays as they arrive.

Still don't like them, but they roll around every 7 days so I have no choice.

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