Itchy Feet (again/still)

I've got a serious case of the itchy feet again today. The "why am I sitting at a desk when I could be out in the world?" thing has kicked in big-time, and all those old thoughts are surfacing again. The ones that say you don't actually need a good few thousand in the bank to be living a life of adventure. The ones that say you don't need to conform to society and work 8-5 either (or in my case 7:30 to 4:30), following the herd. That there are broader horizons to explore, experiences to delve into, and other ways of living than the Commute, the Job and the Stable Home.

These itchy feet can be mighty frustrating sometimes.

And yet they're also inspirational. I have a goal in the back of my mind, something I haven't discussed in depth with anyone but am slowly and steadily working toward. Getting itchy feet is a reminder to keep focus, to direct my energies toward the place I want to be, the life I want to live. I may need to bide my time for a bit, but not forever.

I know when my plan kicks in I'm going to get flak from some, especially those who like to tread the society-prescribed "success" road, moving up invisible ladders and accumulating toys. I know exactly who is going to give me the hardest time, and I'm ready for them! :-)

In the meantime I'm surrounding myself with images that remind me of what I want, keeping the mind bent toward that destination, putting in the subtle effort behind the scenes to achieve my goal.

And scratching my feet.. :-)