
Well, I did it! I challenged our staff to "be church" this morning at the staff worship! I nearly chickened out first though.... I don't get nervous standing up to read something written by someone else, but getting up to speak my mind and heart is something completely different!

I started out asking "when I say the word 'church' what's the first thing that comes to mind?" and then built on the fact that WE are church - it's not a building or a routine or having to dress up once a week. I used (with permission) a part of Karen's post from last week. I added in bits of what I perceive we can do to be church. And I left them with a challenge to find out for themselves what it means to be church.

I don't know if they forgot everything I said as soon as they left the room, or if something sunk in. But I've stuck my neck out and shared. The rest is up to them.