Debugging the Soul

A week or so ago I posted my frustrations about IExplorer's "do you want to debug" message that kept interrupting my internet experience.

This morning at staff worship one of the ladies prayed about the fact that we have "errors" and that got me thinking....(instead of listening to the rest of the prayer I'm afraid).

Imagine if you had a "runtime error, do you want to debug?" pop up every now and then when you strayed from the way you had committed to go with God. Perhaps like me you might try to debug your problem yourself - not knowing what the heck you're doing and making more of a mess than was there already, causing even more "do you want to debug"s to arise in an endless round of frustration and error.

Or, you could just switch off the option to try debug yourself and leave it in the hands of the Guy who designed your operating system. He knows what He's doing after all! You could then carry on walking the way you were called to go, and let Him deal with whatever pops-up.

I think I like that idea.

Lord - be in charge of my error messages today. I know I'll fall, I know I'll fail. Please take my errors and spiritual bugs and work on them with me and for me. Let me not be so distracted by my errors that I lose sight of where we're headed together, or lose the joy of the journey. Thank you Lord!