Growing Kids in Christ

An article on the next-wave site got me thinking today about how I'm growing or not growing my child in Christ.

As kids we had a daily family worship, learnt our memory verses faithfully each week, knew all the Bible stories and characters, did the weekly Bible lesson study, went to the kid's classes at church, prayed before bedtime and were generally well-trained in Godly things. Our background has continued to influence us as adults - although one of my brothers no longer attends any church, he still has a strong spiritual life, and my other brother is on a similar journey to me, seeking truth and "real" Christianity for himself.

But I often wonder if my son is getting enough spiritual training. Yes, we go to church every week, and he always comes with me to worship practices (too young to stay home alone) - in fact we sometimes spend 9 hours a week at church! We both love our praise & worship music and have at least a weekly Bible study at the start of Sabbath. But I find I'm exhausted at the end of a day of being a working mom and "dad" - and by the time I remember I wanted to have a family worship time, it's too late. We fit in a bedtime prayer most nights... but is this enough? Since leaving our old church, my son doesn't attend a kid's programme, though now and then he'll take himself off to our old church nearby on a whim to see his friend. I'm all he's got, other than the sermons he hears at the youth service.

I feel I have to do more - I just don't know how to go about it. There are very few kid's studies, programmes or guides on the internet for his age that I could print out and use. He's outgrown many of the books and materials we have at home. I was never taught how to study the Bible - still trying to figure it out - and am concerned he will have the same problem later on in his life.

One bright spot is that he's been "absorbed" into the youth group, thanks to my involvement in a drama production with many of them - he's greeted and accepted and loved by a number of wonderful high-school-age kids, who are super role models for a growing boy. Although he doesn't attend their meetings, he knows them and sees them and observes their enthusiasm for God.

He's come out with some real deep thoughts at times from "osmosis" of sermons I thought he wasn't listening to. Perhaps there is more stuff going in than I realize. I'm trying to be a good example to him (and have been criticized for my version of this by other more conservative parents who think I'm not doing it right).

But I still feel there is more that I should be doing as a parent to train my child to follow God - especially in areas that I was left to "sink or swim" like Bible study and practical Christian living. I just don't know how to go about it. It seems everyone else knows - perhaps I just missed that class....?

Watch this space...I might find answers one day if I'm lucky!