I'm Back!

I see that Rodney has "kindly" reminded me that it's Thursday already in Australia - and that I said I'd be back on Thursday, so here I am! :)

I had a pretty good shop yesterday and got all my son's Christmas prezzies. Also did some investigating on prezzies for the in/out-laws (brothers, their wives and one set of wife parents). And found out that I can save a packet by doing some home-made goodies instead of buying the ready-packaged stuff.

What does my son get? Well, he's got the new "Bionicle Mask of Light" movie, a new big Bionicle (he's collecting and collecting....), one small Bionicle, a Bey-Blade and something else that completely escapes my blonde mind at this moment. Geez...coffee must be wearing off. Will also stock up his stocking with the usual dose of sugar-laden treats etc. The rellies (relatives, for those of you not within the confines of Australia) will probably provide yet more goodies for him. But before they do we'll be doing a sort-and-chuck of his toys to thin them out before they overflow the entire house.

The in/out-laws are getting home-prepared mixes in glass jars of foccaccia, muffins, my addictive brownies and health bread. The only store-bought stuff are a ceramic bowl for one pair, a serving platter for another, and pillar candles and holders for the parents.

We managed to get a load of groceries - and as usual I still didn't know what to make for supper, even with a full cupboard! Just can't believe how much food prices have increased - some have more than doubled in the last year. These days most of my salary goes to just keep us fed and we're not doing to great on affording fruit & veggies.... Fortunately my garden's been producing strawberries, spinach, fresh herbs and carrots. The lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, onions and maize should be ripe soon. Or we could just eat grass....

So - that was my shopping experience. AND I got to stop off for coffee on my own in peace and quiet on the way round the mall.

Now it's back to the grindstone - have already spent most of the morning running and it promises to continue!