A Sustainable Christian

Over the past year or so I've been re-evaluating my material priorities - you know, the stuff I spend my money on so regularly, or hanker after when I see it hanging around in shops. (Luke got me thinking on this again today)

I've come to the conclusion I really don't need a lot to be happy - in fact I'm almost happier without! It's kinda shaped a vision for the future, a dream I've been dreaming for years.

I'm the type who loves getting my hands dirty - there's nothing better than digging in the dirt and watching stuff grow, and eating your food fresh out the soil (yes, I'm vegetarian, and the odd snail is just added protein...!). I love hard physical work and I like knowing I can do stuff myself - still have to learn about cars though. I don't really have much of a social life - no time after a full day at work and then mothering for the rest of the time. I can do without people constantly being around me - solitude is no issue. My son has struggled with traditional schooling for years and would love home-schooling / apprenticeship as training for what he wants to do. And I don't define myself by my career, lack thereof, successes in traditional working environments or failures. So a self-sustaining lifestyle out in the bundu's (middle of nowhere) is ideal for me.

And then there's the Christian aspect. I believe that as Christians we need to look after the world that the Creator gave us. "Living lightly" on the earth is a term you hear often. Caring for the people, plants, animals and environment around you is part of living a God-fearing life, in my view. I feel closer to God when I am among his creation - his natural wonders from the smallest to the tallest. He often surprises me with flashes of beauty and encounters with wild animals that leave me amazed and astounded.

So by all counts I think I could very happily live a sustainable Christian life. It's what I aspire to, and little by little I'm working on getting there. Baby steps.