Time Capsule

I'm thinking of creating a page on my website to hold my stories and memories, a place to record experiences I've had.

When my gran died, I couldn't help thinking of all the stories that died with her, things I'll never know now. Her short-term memory went in the last few years, but she would still remember walking to school on a dusty road with her sister Laura, the 2 cheetahs they had as pets, living with us in Rhodesia, then in Zimbabwe after her husband died. But she had to keep asking who I was.

My mother has taped bed-time stories about her pet galah (parrot) for my son, and is working on one with my dad that will immortalize their thoughts, feelings, experiences - and the cat.... In a way that's a time capsule of where they're at now and what they've done. Themselves recorded.

I can't help thinking that life is uncertain. This day could be my last, or I could live to be a hundred. I don't want my stories to go unknown. I want to be able to set them down for others to hear. I've shared a few of them with my son, but not enough.

Perhaps no-one will want to read them. Or they might. But I'm going to start working on recording all those images, sounds, smells and experiences in the meager words I possess, and then throw them into cyberspace before they're lost forever.