
Last week while sitting at the beach surfer-ing (ogling surfers while my son bodyboarded) it occured to me that I should find myself a deserted beach, a very warm sea and an old surfboard and give it a try.

It would have to be a VERY deserted beach and VERY warm sea though. I don't think I would like it if folk watched me fall off my board all the time, cellulite flapping in the breeze and cozzie riding up the wrong places. I would much prefer going to learn somewhere first, then coming in half-decent to join other folk on the waves, cut in on boaties and steal waves from pimple-faced youngsters.

We'll would be cool though if my son had a surfer mom and we could both take off for dawn, dusk and middle-of-the-working-week surfs. We might even get to chuck out the TV!

Hold on - belated thought... there's always loads of wind here in summer. I'm thinking kite-surfing...Hmmmmm.....