What If...

What if there were no denominations. If the whole world believed the same. What if we whole-heartedly put into practice what we believed. What if we all followed God without question. What if we didn't argue doctrine. What if church all over the world was community, small groups gathered in homes, interconnected in widening circles to include your neighbour on the next continent. What if we all lived our lives completely and unwaveringly as God wanted us to. What if we never broke His rules or wanted to. What if we were unconcerned with possessions, money or always having the best or biggest. What if we gave freely, supported those in need, shared equally. What if politicians led the people without hidden agendas, without selfishness, without corruption or sticking it to the next bloke. What if morality took precedence over pleasure. What if we really loved our neighbour as we love ourselves. What would our world look like then?