Sunday/Monday Brunch

This, of course, hit close to home:

1. How many people and pets live in your home?
2 people, 3 dogs and a fish

2. Do you rent, own or live at home?
We rent by force (the rent comes off my salary without me ever seeing it, and could go up without me knowing about it - part of a tax-saving plan apparently), but are hoping to one day not only own, but build our own home ourselves (or "myself", as I don't think my son will do too much helping, though he has designed our front greenhouse area, which will be double-glass-walled into one side of the house. By the time we get our land, he'll be old enough to either be away at uni or have his own place).

3. How many rooms are in your house?
Well - 1 bedroom, but there are also a lounge-ish thingy, a kitchen and bathroom. My son gets the back of the lounge behind the couches as his room.

4. Is there enough room in your house to comfortably accommodate overnight guests?
Not really, but my parents stay over when out from Australia. They get my room, I get the couch.

5. How close do your neighbors live? Do you know them well and are they welcome in your home?
TOO close. The walls and ceilings are solid cement. You can hear the neighbours walking, dropping things, scraping chairs - even going to the loo! You get to sit in on arguments and their favourite (in one case "only") CD. They get to watch you in the garden from above, and see you tanning in your bikini or having coffee in your pyjamas on the verandah. After 7 years of this, I'm ready to live where I can't even SEE the neighbours, never mind hear them.
I know them reasonably well, but have never had them over. We tend to live in each other's pockets and talk over the fence - that's as far as it goes. I don't have much in common with any of them.