Seeking the Kingdom

I feel like I'm drawing a complete mental blank these days. So much so that, as I ponder my way through the Gospels, I honestly can't seem to process what the "Good News" is, what the "Kingdom of God" ACTUALLY means here and now, practically in my life, what we're supposed to be telling everyone is at hand. I've been looking for it, and can't find it. Can't find the words that describe it. Just find it mentioned over and over. Dumb blonde? Yup, it seems.

Anyone care to enlighten me as to your thoughts on either the Good News or the Kingdom of God? What is it precisely and what should it be in our lives today? (bearing in mind that my comments section is limited to 1000 characters! :) )

(For those of you who think I've lost it completely, you're probably right. Blame it on serious lack of sleep, lack of chocolate, lack of holiday, dehydration, whatever.)