While on my spiritual growth curve, I've found myself being overly critical these days - critical of TV sermons, other's conformity to the crowd, meaningless traditions, lack of vision. Just about anything you can think of related to the "normal" church, I'm getting critical about. And some things NOT related to the church too. I'm judging, as if I know better.
It's not good.
It stems from the huge amount of learning I've done, the wider perspective I'm developing and the tolerance for a different way of thinking/doing things/being. All of which are good in themselves, but should not result in my being critical of others!
It's hard not to be, I have to admit. Not that I'm better than them, not at all! Some would say I'm way, way worse. Too liberal, too openminded, too ready to change or follow undefined roads. Too scary!
A critical attitude is something I need to work at deleting from my thoughts. Can't do it alone. Just gotta work with God at rooting it out and hearing Him past my own opinions, wherever He speaks.
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