I was called in to see my son's teacher over lunch. Same issue that he's been struggling with since 2nd Grade has reared up again.
He's very artistic and creative, learns differently from the others and has trouble concentrating when there's noise around - so he doesn't often finish his work in class. He takes up to 3 hours to complete 2 items of homework too. But he gets the latter done. He just doesn't have the luxury of time in class.
His teacher is frustrated - she can't keep reminding him to hurry up and isn't sure if there's something else that's keeping him back. The upshot of which is, I need to go get him tested.
When he was 4 he took an almighty whack to the back of his head when he slipped and fell jumping off a pile of laundry. I hope that hasn't caused internal problems, but am worried that it might have something to do with his struggles.
He would do VERY well homeschooled, with enough time to work on each project, no jumping to something else after an hour or so. It would be difficult, but not imposssible, for me as a single parent to homeschool him. I'm keeping it as an option, considering that we're thinking "apprenticeships" for post-school "education", or similar.
In the meantime though I will have him tested. Perhaps it will help both the teacher and him cope this year. He's not stupid - he's pretty intelligent. All we have to do is figure out how to help him get his work done in the time allowed by the school.
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