I got a frantic phonecall from Cathy last night to say "urgent meeting at the church tomorrow - Richard's resigned!" Richard being the guy that heads up the entire Worship Team (currently renamed the Creative Arts Ministry Team). It's been a long time coming, but now it's official.
I can't make the meeting (it's during work hours for me), but Cathy managed to throw in to the conversation that she'd like me to take over a part of her duties, being present for every evening service practice to make sure the music works, to make adjustments if necessary and be the listening ear. With that I finally told her that I've been considering giving a month's notice on the worship team...but now that Richard's gone I'll probably have to stick it out a bit more. One of our drummers has already left due to "committment to the team" issues - he just wouldn't pitch at times because his heart's not in it.
Neither is mine. But is it better to turn up for your duty and play with no heart for it, or disappear because you have no heart for it? That is the question!
Cathy is sure we're under attack from the Evil One as a team - but do lack of passion and a feeling of not wanting to be there qualify as attack? Does an impression (perhaps from God) that you should get out to continue a learning curve elsewhere qualify as an attack? Does burn-out after 7 years leading a worship team qualify as attack? I'm not so sure...
Anyway, Monday being an off-day for me, Cathy and I are going to sit down and have a little chat over coffee. She hasn't had time to hear what's been going on with me in the past few months, and I haven't felt like saying too much, but it's time we talked. I need to bounce things off her brain and see if she has any insight to share. She needs to know where I stand and why. And that I may not be around much longer.
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