A few things from this past weekend:
* My son and I had our eyes tested on Friday. It's time for me to replace my contact lenses, and it was recommended that my son get tested to see if eye trouble has anything to do with his learning "problems" at school. Well, his eyes are perfectly fine - except for something that startled the optomitrist: his pupils are different sizes! The right one is a little bigger than the left, but both respond normally. He says he's going to go read up on that one... I think it's from spending his life watching TV lying down! :) ::update:: Optomitrist just called. Seems the uneven pupil thing may be an indication of a deeper problem, and I need to have it checked out by a specialist asap. He's suggested one and will write a letter for me to take to him. I'm finally going to be using up all that cash I contribute to my medical aid monthly it seems.... *sigh*
* It's too cold to sleep properly (no, we don't have central heating in this country...). I'm looking forward to summer, when it will be too hot to sleep properly.
* My digital camera has died. 3 months - that's all it lasted. I'm tempted to take it apart and see what's wrong (probably will), but I think the fall during our Terrorist Evangelism put the nail in the coffin. Sad, but true. Next on my list? A bigger, better, but unfortunately more expensive one. One day...
* Talking of photos - I hauled out a huge box of my old photos on Friday night and looked at all of them. Some major memories - both good and bad. My son got to see the weird and wacky side of his dad with the few I have of him (he's still not interested in meeting him, and if he were it would be difficult - the guy immigrated to the USA a few years back and is apparently now married). There's a couple of pics I plan to send on to my brothers - supreme cringe material.
* My artistic abilities are either WAY out of practice or no longer exist. I tried, and the results were not worth showing to anyone. I still do better in pencil than any other medium, but probably should do some nice, abstract painting - something that no-one has to relate to anything living or dead, and can draw their own conclusions from.
* I put my son in charge of our God-time this Sabbath. He did pretty well! But he also needs "church detoxing" as much as I do - a chance to think outside the box and learn new ways to relate to God. Anyway, we'll be taking turns from now on, and he's on every 2nd week to plan what we'll do. (Maybe one day I'll also get him to take a turn at dishes, or vacuuming, or ANYTHING else...)
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