Squandering Creativity

I spent a good deal of time (probabaly way too much) yesterday browsing through creative, arty blogs and following some links they listed to sites of photography, art, word-pictures, jewellery, and their equally-arty friends online. Also got into some very, very cool VJing sites.

And I've come to the conclusion that I'm squandering my creativity. I've also realized I don't have to have "perfect" art every time I pick up a pen, piece of charcoal, batch of ingredients or haul out the sewing machine. I just have to be me, unique and expressive of all that is inside just waiting to bust out.

I last wrote creatively (short stories, poems etc.) in high school. That was about the time I did my last artwork too. I've done more in the kitchen than on the sewing machine and most of my "creative" stuff is daydreams.

So, it's off to pick up a package of clay, a ready-mounted canvas, a sketch book, a few loose and large sheets of beautifully grained paper and an array of acrylics and pencils this weekend. I'm downloading a trial verson of arkaos to try some creative imaging too, just for the heck of it.

Less vegging by the TV, less "just sitting" - more letting my hands and heart tell my story.

Who knows - with a lot of practice and a bit of luck, maybe one day I might even get to do it full time!

(Looking at the pictures above while scanning them, and at other work in my file, I can't believe I actually drew them! Not that they're the best in the world, but I seem to have lost the touch over the years and it's going to take some serious work to get back into it!)