There's a blogger in the USA who is having a very tough time financially. (Actually there are quite a few, but this one has particularly tugged at my heart this week) She's feeling very down, has recently been sick and discouraged, and could do with a kind gesture (or a huge pile of them!).
I've seen bloggers come together before to help out a fellow-blogger. Can we do it again? She has said "we can use anything you'd be willing to give" - her situation is not at all good. They need cash for rent, for food, for many, many things. Think unemployment, eviction, food stamps and no health insurance - and then add in a good few children and a husband. You bet, it's tough!
Do you have a few US Dollars lying around (or can you convert your currency to US$ without too much hassle/value loss)? A word of encouragement you can share? A gift certificate going unspent that you can pass on? A box of non-perishable groceries you could send?
If would like to help her out, please drop me an email (michelle dot bainbridge at gmail dot com) or leave a comment, let me know how you'd like to help, and I'll pass on her details.
I'm also trying to set up a PayPal account, but not sure if it will work from South this space!
Please, please let's do something to help her.
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