All Work, No Blog...

...makes this blog not much worth reading today - except for the post below!

I've been busy busy busy, mostly trying to convert our desperately awaiting an update website from frames to non-frames without having to redo just about everything. And have added in a load of informative new stuff. All in the name of procrastination - I'm supposed to be finishing off my last assignment for my web design studies! And boy, am I good at procrastination!

Besides all the hard work, it's a stunningly beautiful "summer" day outside, the kind where I just want to go get my hands into a bag of kraalmis (bovine compost, if you must know) and plant stuff and dig stuff and just sit and watch other stuff grow. I had breakfast out on the lawn, lunch out on the lawn, and supper may end up there too.

But I smelt rain last night though. And I'm a walking weather predictor - smelling rain means exactly 2 days, and it shall rain. Thus spoke my nose, and thus it shall be. Someone should be paying me for this! :)

Right now I've got the rather-lively latest Hillsong album blasting forth from my office speakers (how is that Hillsong songs get so darned stuck in one's head, even if you swear off them in favour of Vineyard for content reasons?). Sun's streaming in here, and we're going to make it financially to payday! Life is not too shabby.

Here's a "composite" of what my office looks like this afternoon, sun, view and all.