The Walk to Work

Simply because I've been happy-snappy with my newly-fixed camera, I thought I'd share my little 2-minute walk to work with you today.

So, here's the house I've just left. My place is the first two windows at the bottom of the block - the first being lounge/son's bedroom, the second being my bedroom. Kitchen and bathroom are at the back of this little place. At the left of the pic is the only White Mulberry tree around - when they get ripe they look a little like a bundle of maggots, but taste great!

Turning around from that, there's a steep hill to negotiate downwards, past a hedge that was filled with white flowers recently. The mist started rolling in on the horizon as I left for work.

At the bottom of the path is a road to cross, then a little more steepness to negotiate (which is why you won't find me at work in high-heels...).

The path leads on to yet another road, the one just above the office building. My office is the one right next to the walkway in the centre of the picture, with its blinds open.

Turn the corner, and a good deal of the "backside" of the campus centre is spread out before you, with the olive-grove-covered hill in the background (and the mist REALLY starting to roll in) - our main farm industry being olives at the moment. It produces high-quality olive oil and the best table olives I've tasted.

Of course, being part of the administration, I work in the Administration building.

Just a couple of stairs to go, then turn right....

And there we are! I posted a pic yesterday of my office interior. All in all, it's not a bad way to get to work. This morning I ran into my neighbour so had a chat on the way down. My dogs usually start howling when I leave, but stop by the time I reach the first road - unless it's Rubbish Truck Day, in which case they take great delight in barking at the truck, which arrives when I leave at 8, and sticks around for about 10 minutes while all the garbage is collected. Ample time to have a good bark.

If I were to leave here, I'd miss walking to work and back home again. I find all sorts of interesting things on the way. Yesterday there were two brilliant emerald sunbirds looking for nectar. The previous day I found at least 50 snails crossing the path, all sizes, suddenly come out for no apparent reason. Sometimes I see a rainbow over the sea, early morning sunshine on misty rain. There's always something flowering, or a new barn-owl pellet near the path. I've found shy birds in the hedges, not-so-shy birds perching close to the path and willing to "have a chat" when I stop and whistle at them. There's the rustle of lizards in dry leaves, or an eagle soaring far overhead.

Beats rush-hour traffic anyday!