Holiday: Car Trouble

This has been the holiday of car trouble. I mentioned a while ago that I'd replaced the brakes, the burst radiator water bottle, and two water pipes. Well, shortly thereafter, the radiator itself went!

My dad kindly offered to pay for its replacement - just as well, as the cost was near R900... (So car costs are now over a thousand and a half for this little holiday period) We managed to get that done on Monday. And as they were installing it, wouldn't you know, but the water pump starts leaking. Not serious, can wait a bit. It's just dripping now and then.

It seems I'll have a new car soon. It won't look any different from my current car, it will just have been replaced one part at a time! :)

But as they say, better the devil you know. I now can say for certain what's new, what's working and what still needs attention. If there's a problem, it can be easily pinpointed and sorted out. I've gotten my hands greasy and replaced many of the parts myself, so I know what belongs where in the engine now. I've learnt how to remove and replace covers and pipes and other bits.

And thankfully the car is now running better than it has in a very long time.