I read while frying pancakes, I read while "watching" the news, I read in bed until after midnight. I just couldn't put down "A Generous Orthodoxy" until my common sense warned me I was missing out on too much sleep.
It's been a while since a book has grabbed me. And held me.
What's great about this book is that it's so very readable. I'm still not sure I understand all those big words (evangelical, orthodox, fundamentalist, and some even bigger ones), but it's written in such a way that things are explained - and as Brian says at one point, "if you didn't understand the above sentance, carry on reading and thank God".
I'm learning a lot about the Christian church, the Christian tradition, and how we've formed up our ranks over the past 2000 years. I've realized I fit into categories I may not necessarily like. I also fit into ones I never expected.
I'm half-way through the book. Must avoid reading too late tonight...must avoid reading too late tonight...must avoid bringing book to work and reading it under the desk....
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