Scary People and Blessings

A few late-afternoon random thoughts...

Dropped my son off earlier at a birthday party - mall restaurant style. On the way back, was nearly side-swiped by some young guy in a white Mazda hatchback, happily going more than double the speed limit. I can understand why he does - it feels good to speed through traffic, enjoying what your car can do, showing off a bit maybe, feeling the adrenaline going. Heck, I've done it myself at times! (More so when I'm alone in the car, and no parts are threatening to fall off) But today the roads were crowded with tourists and locals, headed to the shops or from work or picking up kids. And in those conditions guys like this scare me. Does he have no sense of the others on the road - that if he collides with someone it will mean more than his own neck at risk? That some kids are not buckled up and could be thrown around a car if he hits it? Is the speed-rush really worth all THAT???

Back at work, I'm rushing. I process one application, only to find another's just arrived by fax. Drop off a reply in the post - and the next one's just come through. Such is life in my office at this time of the year. (At least I'm getting some exercise running from here to reception, where post and fax reside). Then my neighbour popped in - the older lady who lives next door, who hosted my parents on their recent trip, who treats me like a daughter and Jason like a grandson. They sometimes bug me over my spiritual choices, but generally are pretty great. Today she came to tell me that she will be giving me R350 a month until June toward my son's school fees - didn't I mention in an earlier post that there's no need to worry, that God provides when we need it - even if we don't get a bonus? Here's proof! It's more than half what I'd pay monthly on his fees, and will help enormously. I'm still hoping to pay his fees in advance, but this will give us that little extra "for bread, but not enough for jam", as she says. :) Before you call....

From tonight until near the end of next week, we get to play around with another neighbour's satellite TV, DVD and deep-base system as we care for their dogs. They're on the road to visit family. We're not complaining! :) Expect me to soon have very square eyes - there's a LOT to watch!!!

And tomorrow I get to sleep in. No alarm. Public holiday. No pressure. Major blessing.

'Til later...