Just after the new year started, I mentioned that I faced the year with a feeling of hope, a feeling that good things are coming.
It was reinforced last week.
I managed to pay my sons' school fees for the year in advance (they start the new school year on Wednesday), giving me the freedom to get back on my feet financially instead of being tied to a monthly payment at an increased fee. We've sorted out all his books (covered in brown paper and plastic) and stationery needs, his Grade 6 teacher is a good one, and I think he's going to do well this year. I'm left with a good feeling about his studies and our coping with them as a mini-family.
In planning my own business, I have this feeling that it's going to come together this year. I'll finally have some control over my work life, doing things I love and quite probably having more cash come in than I do working at a non-profit organization. I'll have the freedom to be me too - and not have to conform to rules and regulations I don't agree with as a condition of work. I will finally be able to fully express who I am and what I enjoy. Sure, it's going to take time to get this whole gigantic episode off the ground, but I'm working at it - and that's a start! I'm giving it 6 months to show whether it will be profitable or not, and a year to go over full-time (if the 6-month thing works). It may sound unreasonable, but I think I've found a cool little gap in the market...and every day I come up with more ideas to add in extra products and ensure success.
With my son's school fees out the way, we can consider entertaining more, going out more, maintaining the car to a point where we're not scared we'll break down every time we drive somewhere, and starting to upgrade things that need it - like the TV that broke suddenly in the middle of Saturday night's movie this weekend, or my watch battery that gave out a few hours later. We can look at a move to a place where my son will have his own room for the first time in his life, and where we don't trip over each other in a tiny living space (not that I'm not thankful for a roof over my head). Maybe, just maybe, once the business has taken off, we may be able to buy a place of our own. Then again, with current prices in this area, it may not be a possibility at all!
We've made a plan as family to keep in contact - me and my brothers and their families - and meet up regularly. See improved car maintenance above...! :) It's time we reconnected, for more than an hour over a meal once every few months. I feel good about what we're up to for this year.
Work here? Well so far so good, even though I'm doing my darndest to leave and go "solo". I've got that teaching challenge in a few months, which is stretching me and giving me a bit of something new to try out. I'm still trying to get the new website finished, and enjoying pushing my knowledge in that area. I've sorted out the office and decluttered everything in site - and my chili, lavendar and mint plants on the windowsill are lovely and luxurious. It's a pretty good working environment, good enough to keep me motivated and organized and moving forward (provided I don't blog too much).
The only think I'm not positive about is a move to Australia. Or should I say, I'm positive that it's not going to happen. The options for us trying to get in are just too unreasonable. But that gives me a chance to finally live here, now, instead of living in limbo and wondering where to next. It's about time I settled down decently and made a good life where we're at, instead of living in the future and the maybe's.
OK, enough introspection for one day. Post and publish, then on to other things needing my attention.
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