Birthdays and Work and ...

It's been pretty quiet on my blog this week. Yup, I'm busy.

My son's birthday party is this weekend, and as usual I have 17 boys turning up to be entertained for an hour and a half on Sunday morning. His parties have become legendary among the classmates, and I have a reputation to uphold! :) He's got a "volcanoes and caves" theme, and on Saturday night I'll be transforming the garage (with the aid of a large roll of black rubbish bags and various obstacles) into a dark, cave-type maze to be crawled through and explored, ending in a cavern where certain games and perhaps eating will take place. I have yet to bake the cake - it will be mountain-shaped, with a lined hollow in the top, into which a smoke bomb will be dropped to produce smoke and "lava". Food must be produced, and creatively named according to the theme (rocks and dust and lava and bat-droppings, stuff like that). In other words, this week will be flat-out party planning after hours.

And then there's work. I'm determined to complete this darned website as soon as possible, but as usual am having trouble getting info out of departments for their sections, and even more trouble getting people to simply stand in front of a backdrop for a photo update! You'd swear I was trying to pull out their nails with a pliers...

So there's not a whole lot of bloggable stuff going on on my head right now. It's just getting on with life and its duties that's taking up my days. But if anything interesting turns up, it will be noted here.