DVD Shopping

So now we have a PS2 - AND a DVD remote! Killed 2 birds with one stone, and I guess it's time to start shopping for DVDs then. (We'll do without surround sound and all that in the meantime)

We've got a stack of videos, but everyone knows that such things wear out with excessive watching, and we certainly have watched a number of them to death. But we don't necessarily want to replace them.

However, I do have a definite wish-list:

1. Lord of the Rings extended editions (all 3 movies) - currently way too pricey here in SA, but on the wishlist nevertheless
2. Umm...suddenly I can't think of movies I want!

Here's where you come in. Kalahari.net has a 15-60% off special going, and my credit card is getting itchy for action... Some of the DVDs are OK-priced, some I know I can get cheaper at, say, Game or CNA or some other place (especially with "shipping" factored in).

I'm not mad about "skop skiet en donder" (shoot 'em up, blood and guts) movies, or extra-scary freaky ones (think Dean R Koontz - that guy must have some AWFUL nightmares!). Somewhat scary is OK ("28 days later"). I like the "epic" type stuff with big scenery (think "Out of Africa", "Braveheart", "LOTR", "4 feathers" etc), good visual effects and a decent story line. I don't like pokey little psychologically-weird twisted tales (eg "battered wife won't leave abusive husband, and it all takes place in a run-down hovel with no hope in sight" type thing). I like romantic comedies (Notting Hill), and other comedies (Monty Python!), as long as they're not STUPID comedies (Dumb & Dumber, Scary Movie...). I like sci-fi (Stargate, Star Trek Enterprise, X-files), fantasy (Harry Potter, and the upcoming Narnia is on my must-watch list) or just-off-reality adventures (The Mummy - OK, maybe that's a bit FAR off reality). I enjoy old-fashioned stuff where honour is defended and all that rot. I like a good cry now and then too.

My son's into much the same stuff. Add in animated stuff like Shrek or Ice Age and kid's movies like Spy Kids, and you've got a pretty good picture of what's on our shelves. We also like a bit of nature-programme stuff handy too.

What DVDs do you think should be on my wishlist? Now's your chance to contribute to our mindless entertainment!!!